Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This Kingfisher didn't move an inch for as long as I can recall, as if it didn't have anywhere to go:(

Lotus Pond - Hyderabad

In the woods..

Everything here in Kashmir is so picturesque that you just don't want to take your finger off the button..

Neelnag Kashmir

Are they posing for shutterbugs?

We struggle to synchronize, who teaches them? Praise to Allah!

Nehru Zoo - Hyderabad

Poppy - reminds me of childhood in Kashmir. Don't get to see one of these here:(

Down the memory lane..

Tranquility - that's how I would define this..

Rain dancing to the rhythm of love..

Sometimes, it's worth taking the plunge!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rain Rain Pleeeease Don't Go Away...

Ripple effect

Hands can strike a pose too..

As serene as a butterfly can be..

Couldn't ignore the elegance in her walk..

Mera wala Pink:)

Holding on...

A heart that was left hanging...

Yellow awesomeness!

The journey has begun..

I have been thinking for a while about finding a way to share my work with the world.. and finally, I'm here.. or shall I say - the journey has just begun!

I love this one..  Sun playing its way through a canopy of leaves.. Nature with a bit of bokeh!